Problems with NDC under linux

andlil at andlil at
Tue Feb 22 19:24:26 UTC 2000

I made sure there was no file called "ndc" in /var/run (there wasn't) and
restarted named and I still get the error.  With named running, I checked
again in /var/run and there's still no ndc.  Also, I'm not sure why, if the
controls statement is syntactically OK, named is generating the "Invalid
argument" error?
Also, I'm not that familiar with lsof, but my install of linux doesn't have
it, and I don't know of an equivalent.  So, I couldn't check to see if
/var/run/ndc was still open (even though it doesn't actually exsist in
/var/run), but I did modify my named.conf to use a different filename
instead, and I still got the "Invalid argument" error on the console when
starting named.

Sorry to be such a bother,
Andrew Lillie
andlil at

                    Jim Reid                                                                                  
                    <jim at rfc1035.        To:     andlil at                                      
                    com>                 cc:     bind-users at                                           
                                         Subject:     Re: Problems with NDC under linux                       
                    11:09 AM                                                                                  

>>>>> "Andrew" == andlil  <andlil at> writes:

    Andrew> Well, that sounds reasonable enough, but even if I put the
    Andrew> controls statement into my named.conf file, I get the same
    Andrew> error.  I think the key is the "invalid argument" bit, but
    Andrew> I'm not sure what is invalid.  Here's my controls
    Andrew> statement from my named.conf file:
    Andrew> controls {
    Andrew>          unix "/var/run/ndc" perm 0600 owner 0 group 0;
    Andrew>  };

    Andrew> All of this should work as far as I know (perm 0600 is
    Andrew> valid, there is a UID 0 and a GID 0 on my system and
    Andrew> /var/run should writeable).  Thoughts?

Your controls statement is OK. Did you check that named created the
/var/run/ndc socket with the appropriate permissions? Maybe this file
has been left from an earlier incantation of the name server? If it
crashed or got a -KILL signal, it might not have removed the socket
before it exited. Use lsof to find out who is using /var/run/ndc and
remove it and restart the name server if necessary.

Bear in mind that the pathname for this socket is compiled into ndc:
it does not read named.conf. This shouldn't be a problem on your Linux
box because the default pathname on that platform is supposed to be

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