dns faked

Ian Carr-de Avelon avelon at
Tue Feb 15 08:43:29 UTC 2000

>And with that lookup shows a "hacked" page.
>I wait for the next. And the news about "RSA 0wn3d.." :}
We recently had a problem that a client's clients kept getting pages
from their previous provider. It turned out that Polish Telecom, who
provide all the "dial-up for local call charges" here, were a secondary
for the old provider. It looks to me like I could have any domain
(as far as 90+% of Polish dial-up users are concerned) for the 12$
a year charge for a secondary. anyone? My guess is
that many other big providers would do the same. There
is no law against it. I think EG. in the UK if that site appeared to be
microsoft's site, they could claim "passing off", but if it were say
an open and nonlibelous campaign against microsoft, they would have
no redress.

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