Bind V9 and hosting lots of Domains

Leo Vegoda bind at
Mon Feb 14 16:05:40 UTC 2000

On Sun, Feb 13, 2000 at 09:57:09AM -0700, in message <010401bf7643$5e73d880$b577a8ce at>, Cricket Liu (cricket at wrote: Re: Re: Bind V9 and hosting lots of Domains
> > Couldn't you build some new nameservers, register them as hosts at
> > InterNIC and re-delegate your domains between the new machines? If you
> > limited each nameserver to 55,000 zones they should be quicker loading. 
> > If you are an authorised contact on the domains you should be able to
> > re-delegate them easily enough - just run a perl script sending out
> > all those e-mails.
> You can't "redelegate" zones.  If you list the name server in an NS record
> for a zone, it must be authoritative for that zone.

Perhaps I didn't make myself clear. My idea was that rather than have
one nameserver (pair) doing everything, have 4 (or six or 8 or

Once the new machines are built and they have all the appropriate
entries in named.conf and the zone files  the domains should be moved
(redelegated) from ns0.old.server and ns1.old.server to
and, or and, etc... If
the appropriate TLD registrar changes the NS records then things work
well and the old named.conf and zone file entries can be removed from
the original nameserver (reducing it's start-up time). 

This may not be the most technically elegant solution - but it does:

1. Speed up start-up time (the original requirement)
2. Spread the load between machines, thus limiting a single point of 


leo vegoda

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