bind8.2 slave for earlier bind + negative caching

Marc_Lampo at Marc_Lampo at
Mon Feb 7 22:04:50 UTC 2000


if a bind8.2 server is slave of a pre bind8.2 master, is it correct to
assume that it will not default to the 10 minutes negative caching time
like the master?

My assumption is based on the following reasoning :
1. in a zone transfer the bind8.2 server will learn the ttl of the SOA
record (which will be, unless explicitly specified in the zone file, the
default minimum time (4th counter in the SOA data)
2. I'm assuming the bind8.2 server will use that ttl when replying with
NXDOMAIN to its queriers.  Can somebody confirm ?

So, can we generalize ?  Don't make a bind8.2 server slave of a pre8.2
Or, always put an explicit ttl on the SOA record (for the negative
caching time) and explicit (higher) values on all other records (or at
least the record immediately following that SOA record.  By explicitly
specifying the ttl one doesnot rely on syntactical features that obtain
the same result.

Thanks for your opinions,


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