slave not grabbing from master 8.2.2

Randy Rokosz Randy.Rokosz at
Thu Feb 3 20:31:20 UTC 2000

I have a master BIND server feeding a slave BIND server.  Or it was,
until I upgraded both from 8.1.2 to 8.2.2.  Now my changes on the
master never show on the slave.  The problem with 8.1.2 was that the
"forwarders" statement in the named.conf wasn't recognized.  Now, with
8.2.2, the forwarders statement works fine, but changes aren't
propagated.  I turned "full logging" on, and things looked like this:

The slave's log entries regarding the master:
02-Feb-2000 10:10:48.323 rcvd NOTIFY(, IN, SOA)
from [].34876
02-Feb-2000 10:10:53.813 rcvd NOTIFY(, IN, SOA) from

The master's log entries regarding the slave:
02-Feb-2000 10:19:15.820 Received NOTIFY answer from
for " IN SOA"

I basically don't get any error messages, but things aren't working...

Randy Rokosz

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