named-xfer errors

Ralf Hildebrandt R.Hildebrandt at
Mon Apr 10 16:36:13 UTC 2000

Am 10.04.2000 um 11:18:19 -0500 schrieb lpb at Starbase.NeoSoft.COM folgendes:
> Here's the ls -l:
> /var/named/usr:                  drwx------   4 named    named        1024 Mar 13 15:29 /var/named/usr

I don't think it needs to be writable for user named! r-x should suffice.
Principle of least privilege.

> /var/named/usr/sbin:             drwxr-x---  2 named    named        1024 Mar  6 14:10 /var/named/usr/sbin

Same here.

> /var/named/usr/sbin/named-xfer: -rwxr-x---   1 root     named     1406967 Mar  6 14:09 /var/named/usr/sbin/named-xfer

Ok, it's executable for group named. Do you have /etc/group in the jail?
/etc/passwd? What happens if you change the permissions (for a test) to 555? 
or to named:named, mode 550 ?

> There is a debug setting in ns_maint.c/spawnxfer() that will print out the 
> args, but it means i have to rebuild with -DDEBUG. I'd rather not, but if 
> the problem isn't obvious I guess I have to.

I can understand that :)
> It seems from reading the code that the vfork in spawnxfer should inherit 
> the chroot from the -t. ?? !
> I see you have your named linked to /usr/sbin. I didn't see any need to 
> have another "copy" of named in /usr/sbin, since there's no reason for 
> anyone but user "named" to run it, and then only in the "jail". I'm curious 
> to know what would happen to YOUR environment if you took that link away.

ndc invokes /usr/sbin/named, thus it needs to be there.

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