named-xfer errors

Ralf Hildebrandt R.Hildebrandt at
Mon Apr 10 16:02:49 UTC 2000

On Mon, Apr 10, 2000 at 10:40:17AM -0500, lpb at Starbase.NeoSoft.COM wrote:

> I know why I'm getting them; I don't have a /usr/sbin/named-xfer. On the 
> other hand, I *do* have /var/named/usr/sbin/named-xfer, and named is 
> SUPPOSED to be running "named-xfer" with -t /var/named (which is how 
> named[31600] is running:
>      named    31600  <blah blah>   Mar 13   0:08 /var/named/usr/sbin/named -u named -g named -t /var/named
> ). So why when it forks for the xfer is it not passing along the chroot? Is 
> it also failing to pass along the -u -g (or is this an issue since it's 
> already running as named)? Or am I missing something?

Is /var/named/usr/sbin/named-xfer executable for user named, group named??

BTW, my named is started using:
exec ndc -c /var/spool/named/var/run/ndc ${1+"$@"} -t /var/spool/named/ -u named -g named

and the "ps" output is:
/usr/sbin/named -t /var/spool/named/ -u named -g named
(/usr/sbin/named is a link to /var/spool/named/usr/sbin/named)

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