Help with Granite Canyon

Steve Senator sts+bind-users at
Sun Apr 2 19:28:53 UTC 2000

Pardons for sending this to "info at A-Z-Internet.COM" but it's not
obvious what other address is appropriate for you. That, and the
fact that this should be an open discussion, is why this is cc'd
to the bind-users list. The moderator's lenience is appreciated.

philippe landau writes:
 > but at least in your own news group suggestions
 > you could engage much more into a dialogue with people 
 > intending to help.

You're right, but the Public DNS started as a gesture and
grew into a hobby and has now become (almost?) unmanagable.
As an example, we have been named in lawsuits by the
World Intellectual Property Organization, by trademark lawyers
for everything from rock and roll bands to the "Quality Value
Club" shopping network and regularly get mistaken for spam
havens. (Hence, our aggressive anti-spam policy to avoid being
mistakenly tainted with their aura.)

 > i for example wanted to pay you a new server,
 > but was forced to turn to a private alternative for dns,
 > as i did not feel comfortable supporting a group that does 
 > not engage in a thorough dialogue with it's supporters.

This isn't due to lack of appreciation. It's because the
people working on the Public DNS have many other obligations
and it frequently ends up last on the list.

Note that Starr Pierce does perform some administrative tasks for
us and has been helpful in shouldering the support burden for the
Public DNS. He is not, though, a member of the Granite Canyon Group.

We are investigating real alternatives wrt. scaling up the Public DNS.
It is likely that we'll have a more reliable ns2 shortly and hopefully
ns3 will be able to re-appear.

Your (and everyone's) support and help is greatly appreciated. We
are open to suggestions on how to let this grow into whatever form
it must take to not suffer from its success.


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