One IP, multiple domains pointing to it

David McMahon spammers at
Thu Aug 5 22:09:59 UTC 1999

Hi -

My linux box is currently hosting a single domain.  How do I set up
the zone data to accept another domain?  It's one machine with one
IP address.

I added another entry to /etc/named.conf:

zone "" in {
        type master;
        file "zone/";

And then just copied zone/ to zone/ and
changed all the domain1 strings to domain2, including the MX record
for the primary mail exchanger.

Now, I've got the zone/ files for and that contain data for domain1.
What do I have to do with these files for domain2 if anything?

I haven't found any clear explainations/examples of multi-domain/
single-ip zone data anywhere, not even in O'Reilly's DNS and BIND!
If it's in there and I'm missing it, got a page #?

Can you help?


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